For Parents

Parent-home school communication is an important part of student achievement.  At PVES, we pledge to work with you to meet your goals for your child.  As you know your child best, we often may turn to you for ideas and suggestions about how to best support your child. It is expected that you remain an active participant in your child's education. 

We are a Class Dojo school, which means we use Class Dojo as our main platform for communicating with parents. Class Dojo is an app that you can download on your phone or access via website. Please note that you DO NOT need to pay for any of the features we use on Class Dojo. Those are optional features for you to use as home.

By signing up for Class Dojo you can have access to school stories (whole school announcements), class stories (teacher specific announcements), and you can message your child's teacher and school staff. This is the best way to reach teachers or other staff in the building. However, it is not to be used to have lengthy conversations or have in depth discussions about grades or behavior. Teachers or staff will ask to speak to you via phone about these types of concerns.

Parent Concerns

If you have a concern about your child's education or something that happened at school, you should first contact your child's teacher.  You may message them on Class Dojo, call the main office and leave a message, or send them an email. All teacher's email addresses are listed under staff directory on the website.   

If you call, please let Mrs. Altemose or Ms. Petosa know what number you can be reached at.  Please note that teachers can only return phone calls during their prep time, which is scheduled at a set time period each day. We appreciate your flexibility in taking time to take calls during those set time periods.

If you do not hear back from the teacher via phone, Dojo, or email within two school days of your contact, please call and ask to speak directly to Dr. Jones. She will then return your call or email within 1 school day.

Investigation of Behavior Incidents

Please understand that there are a lot of variables that come into play when looking at incidents that may happen during the school day.  Investigations take time and we ask that you be patient as investigations are completed.  The teacher and/or principal will respond to you once the investigation is completed.  Please note that due to privacy laws we cannot disclose information about any other students involved in the incidents. This includes the consequences they received and/or the demographic information for that child.

Homework Completion

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure all assigned homework is completed each evening. Homework is necessary to practice the skills that are being taught throughout the school day and to help you become familiar with what your child is learning. We work hard to make sure that homework can be completed in a timely manner (10-20 minutes). In addition to homework, you are encouraged to read with your child each day and practice other items that are sent home including sight words, math facts, etc. Those students who repeatedly do not turn in homework may be asked to stay in during recess with a teacher until his or her homework is completed.

New Enrollments

If you are new to the school district, please read the information below to register your child in the Panther Valley School District.

Student Enrollment Paperwork Requirements Are: 

Proof of Immunizations
Proof of Birthdate
Proof of Residency
Plus Panther Valley School District Enrollment Forms

Please call 570-645-2175 for an appointment to enroll all children in grades 1-12.

Please call 570-669-9411 for an appointment to enroll a kindergarten child.